Guard Booths and Counters

For checkpoints and restricted access roads, SÄLZER has developed a modular and versatile system of guard houses, containers and booths. Guard house modules are freely selectable in number and may be individualized in functional interior design.

Tested and certified security is ensured by an application specific choice of security rated windows, doors, roofs and façades for all
relevant threat scenarios. Forced entry, bullet and blast resistance may be combined and configured gradually according to the desired security classes.

Guard houses and booths by SÄLZER are easily adaptable to the constructive demands of specific climates and different types of
electrical supply. Modules are prepared for turnkey installation, ready-to-use within 1 to 7 days after the foundation has been laid. Their compact dimensions ensure easy and economic shipping to worldwide operation sites.

Smooth and secure access

The requirements for the security concept and the design of highly secure entrance and entry port areas are varied and differ significantly depending on the area and place of use. SÄLZER plans, produces and installs an individually tailored security concept that leaves no security vulnerabilities.

On the one hand, people and buildings need to be protected against a range of different threats. On the other hand, smooth communication, easy exchange of data and straightforward access to the building need to be ensured.

Product Specs

All the SÄLZER product groups are available with a number of additional features and design options to create highly secure entrances:

  • Doors in steel and aluminium, door, interlock and escape route control, electronic access control, pedestrian flow management
  • Windows, transaction window including transfer trays, communication devices, video technology
  • Mullion/transom façades, partition walls, X-ray inspection systems, built-in cupboards, counter areas and much more

Looking for superior protection?

We offer customised solutions to suit your needs. To learn more about our physical security products, options and specifications, share your requirements or contact us today.


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      Case Studies

      Parliament House

      GK Solutions successfully retrofitted a blast mitigation system for the windows of the Australian Parliament House in Canberra, addressing three main challenges: meeting stringent blast resistance ratings, integrating seamlessly with the existing architectural framework, and preserving the building’s heritage aesthetic.

      Department of Defence

      GK Solutions supplied and installed blast and forced entry-resistant doors for the Australian Department of Defence’s Explosives Ordnance (EO) storage buildings. The project included a 3-metre by 3-metre automated sliding door, a pedestrian access door and an emergency egress door. Challenges included meeting the stringent safety standards for EO storage.

      Government Site, Melbourne

      The secure government site in Melbourne faced a significant challenge with its gates located at the bottom of a hill, directly in the path of water, sand and gravel runoff from an unsealed parking area at the top. During heavy rains, the runoff would create conditions unsuitable for traditional in-ground bollards.

      Protection of Heritage Windows

      In Sydney and Melbourne, heritage-listed buildings with decorative windows required enhanced protection against blasts and forced entry. The challenge was to ensure the security measures did not detract from the buildings’ historical and aesthetic value. In collaboration with security consultants, we developed a solution that balanced security and preservation.

      Transport NSW

      Transport New South Wales needed a temporary hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) solution for securing major roads, such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, during events like New Year’s Eve fireworks. Similarly, the Melbourne government required a rapid-deployment solution for protecting high-attendance public spaces.